
Rakas Darbo Savaitgalis
to May 18

Rakas Darbo Savaitgalis

Ieškome darbščių, lietuvių skautų mylinčių savanorių. Jei mokate grėbti lapus, dažyti sienas, remontuoti stogą bei statyti pastatą… mielai priimsime! Nelaukite, parašykite mums!

We are looking for hardworking Lithuanian Scout loving volunteers.  All kinds of help is required.  If you can sweep cobwebs, paint a wall, repair a roof or construct a building, we need you!  Please email us today!


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Skautų Stovykla (Detroit)
to Jun 25

Skautų Stovykla (Detroit)

Lithuanian Scout camp provides young people of Lithuanian heritage a scouting experience focusing on the ideals of leadership, citizenship, connection to nature and personal growth in their scouting life. Camping in a tent for the week, eating outdoors, hiking, bonfires and nature-based activities are provided to teach the fundamentals of survival, living an active lifestyle, developing character and implementing good citizenship. Lithuanian customs and traditions are interwoven into programming through song, dance, evening programs and individual group activities. Lithuanian scouting joins brothers and sisters from around the world in one common mission - to love and honor God, country and neighbor.  

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Skautų Stovykla (VR)
to Jul 19

Skautų Stovykla (VR)

Skautų stovykla vyks Rako stovyklavietėje nuo treč. liepos 9 d. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT) iki šešt. liepos 19 d. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT). Bus priimami tiktai Lietuvių skautų sąjungos registruoti nariai.

Scout Camp will be held at Rakas Wednesday, July 9th. (12:00 p.m. EDT) through Saturday, July 19th. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT). Only registered members of the Lithuanian Scout Association will be accepted.


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Buriavimo Stovykla (VR)
to Jul 26

Buriavimo Stovykla (VR)

Buriavimo stovykla vyks Rako stovyklavietėje,nuo treč. liepos 19 d. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT) iki šešt. liepos 26 d. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT). Bus priimami tiktai Lietuvių skautų sąjungos registruoti nariai.

Sailing Camp will be held at Rakas, from Saturday, July 19th. (12:00 p.m. EDT) through Saturday, July 26th. (12:00 v.p.p. EDT). Only registered members of the Lithuanian Scout Association will be accepted.


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Rambyno Radijas (LA)
to Jul 27

Rambyno Radijas (LA)

Daugiau informacijos ir registracija: https://www.rvrskautai.org/stovyklos-informacija

More information and registration: https://www.rvrskautai.org/stovyklos-informacija

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